Ancient MesoAmerica

All about Mesoamerica: ancient civilisations, culture, myths, cities

aztecs, maya, toltecs, olmecs, zapotecs, mixtecs, tarasque etc.

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1). Books. Here is a collection of several books about ancient civilisations like maya, aztecs and other groups of Mesoamerican region.

2). Articles. This section is intended for the collection of interesting articles devoting to history and culture of mesoamerican groups such as nahua, maya, olmecs etc. For example, you can read here an article about mayan calendar.

3). News reports. There are many interesting events occure everyday in our World referring to ancient mesoamerican theme: archaeological findings, excavations, scientifics breakthroughs, museums exhibitions etc. And this section is intended for the latest of them.

4). Maya codices. Images of the famous maya codices - Madrid, Dresden, Paris and Grolier codices. You may also download all the pictures in singular rar-archive file.


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