News reports

archaeological news and reports about Central America indians (maya, aztecs, toltecs and others)
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    22-09-2009: Mysterious ruins may help explain mayan collapse

    16-09-2009: Cacaxtla - 34 years of researches

    03-09-2009: Guatemala mayan city El Mirador may have ended in pyramid battle

    21-08-2009: Laboratory to decipher zapotec writing will be opened by 2010

    03-08-2009: Palenque. PakalТs tomb - from underworld to Internet

    24-07-2009: Sun pyramid was the Axis Mundi for Teotihuacan culture

    19-07-2009: Teotihuacan could have been governed by 4 rulers

    10-07-2009: Miguel Leon Portilla received Teotihuacan Archaeological zone acknowledges and INAH most important award

    07-07-2009: Maya caves registration continues

    22-06-2009: УDie to Live in MesoamericaФ

    16-06-2009: Aztec tomb under Mexico City still eludes scientists

    15-06-2009: A copy of Bodley Codex was donated to INAH

    14-06-2009: Teotihuacan-style mural paintings found in Queretaro

    08-06-2009: Prehispanic potter burial discovered near Tula

    02-06-2009: Late use of inferior wood hints at one explanation of the "maya collapse"

    28-05-2009: Findings confirm struggle between maya cities

    26-05-2009: UNESCO creates inventory of prehispanic sites with astronomical value

    26-05-2009: Prehispanic mining studied in Queretaro

    25-05-2009: Recent discovery of burials and offerings in Cholula

    23-05-2009: Prehispanic objects were found in Zapopan (Jalisco)

    21-05-2009: Huasteca site Tancama in Queretaro is being prepared to receive public visit

    21-05-2009: Maya worshiped mexican deity Tlaloc

    09-05-2009: Archaeologist in Cacaxtla, Beatriz Palavicini, passed away

    06-05-2009: Museums and archaeological zones in Mexico are opened again

    29-04-2009: INAH closes archaeological sites and museums

    27-04-2009: Pyramid in Pino Suarez metro station undergoes intervention

    24-04-2009: Mexico loses one of its finest archaeologists - Felipe Solis Olguin

    20-04-2009: Origins of maya blue in Mexico

    15-04-2009: New Postal Stamp Series titled "El Tajin" Issued

    11-04-2009: New Archaeology Hall has opened at Aguascalientes Regional Museum

    07-04-2009: New exhibition in USA - "Painted Metaphors: Pottery and Politics of the Ancient Maya"

    07-04-2009: New exhibition in London challenges view of Aztec emperor Moctezuma as traitor

    05-04-2009: Archaeologists begin recovery of great mayan city in the Yucatan

    03-04-2009: National Museum of Anthropology is preparing for УTeotihuacan, City of GodsФ

    02-04-2009: Prehistoric animals deposit discovered

    01-04-2009: Maya language endangered

    30-03-2009: Mummies in Mexico undergo investigation
    30-03-2009: Prehispanic mesoamericans were highly effective dentists

    30-03-2009: Prehispanic monuments at Uxmal free of humidity

    25-03-2009: Maya Temple XVII in Palenque is opened to public

    24-03-2009: Largest Ball Game Court in Atzompa Investigated

    23-03-2009: The earliest evidence for corn in the New World revealed


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